We have received great news that many of us have been waiting for, anticipating with hope and optimism — the return of sport. It appears our patience (and effort) may have finally paid off....
Continue ReadingWe have received great news that many of us have been waiting for, anticipating with hope and optimism — the return of sport. It appears our patience (and effort) may have finally paid off....
Continue ReadingWhen we help coaches, we help athletes. To give coaches some of the practical tools they need to assist their athletes, we put on a webinar to discuss how they can help athletes struggling...
Continue ReadingIn our previous blog post we discussed building relationship, creating psychological safety - a culture where communication is second nature and your athletes know, without question, that...
Continue ReadingMoving beyond “I’m fine” We relish the opportunity to invite people to feel more comfortable with addressing mental health. Something you’ll hear from us over and over again is to take the...
Continue ReadingThere are several sport specific stressors we focus on when considering athlete mental health and performance. One of which, fatigue, has reared its head repeatedly for the past year. Much...
Continue ReadingMental health is not just the absence of mental illness. It is a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life,...
Continue ReadingParenting an athlete is an experience like no other! The amount of time and energy parents put in to taxiing back and forth to the rink, the pool, or the pitch for practice; sitting in the...
Continue ReadingTeam Culture Mental Health Coaches
The influence a coach has on the young people who come into their life is comparable to few. They have such tremendous power and opportunity to help shape individuals into who they are to...
Continue ReadingWe are living in a time of isolation. A way of life not very conducive to sport. Yet we have teams that have formed and have taken advantage of every opportunity that has allowed them to...
Continue ReadingLet's talk about hazing. As we consider the wildly inaccurate word that is hazing, we started to think about what we used to call it - because it wasn't always called hazing. So, naturally,...
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